Ob Sie ein erfahrener Skifahrer sind, der prächtige Pisten beherrscht, oder ein aufgeregter Anfänger, der kurz vor seinem ersten aufregenden Abstieg steht, laden wir Sie ein, sich auf eine Skireise zu begeben, wie keine andere.
Im Schatten des legendären Matterhorns können Sie sich vorstellen, wie Sie am Schwelle eines Abenteuers stehen, umgeben von den Geschichten der Bergsteiger, die seine majestätischen Gipfel erobert haben. Hier beginnt Ihre emotionale Reise, in der Zweifel zu vielversprechenden Möglichkeiten werden.
Für unsere erfahrenen Skifahrer stellen Sie sich vor, wie Sie Ihre Horizonte erweitern, die Grenzen Ihrer Fähigkeiten austesten und starke Bindungen zu Ihren Mitabenteurern knüpfen. Jede Kurve und Abfahrt ist eine aufregende Mischung aus Freude und Begeisterung, während Sie das Gelände bewältigen, immer umhüllt von der beruhigenden Umarmung von Sicherheit und Unterstützung, die Ihr Wachstum fördert.
EXCELLENT Based on 5 reviews Huan2024-02-23Verified Best ski instructors in Zermatt We had so much fun with Uraj and Nikola!They are so professional and gave both my 2 year old and myself so much confidence on the slopes! We had so much fun I wish we had more time to ski! CveB892024-02-13Verified The best teacher in town Very kindly, professional teacher for our kids. It’s so worth it! I’m so happy we did this instead of classes. They learned more in 2 days then 7 days with 15 kids. Very happy with Juraj, very proud of him that our kids don’t speak English, but loved the teacher. That’s how you learn kids skiing! Bruno R2024-01-12Verified Simply the best⛷️ We met Juraj in 2018 when I was a 54 year old bloody beginner. He taught me the Art of skijing. Since then we had excellent lessons every season. Juraj showed us the beautiful skislopes around Zermatt. We also had the pleasure to ski with his wonderful wife Nikola. After 7 years we consider Juraj and Nikola as dear friends. We highly recommend Juraj‘s and Nikola‘s SnowScape Ski School if you look for the best, friendliest and most excellent teachers!We are looking forward to meet you guys next season again. Bruno & Gaby Claire2023-12-20Verified Simply excellent An excellent instructor and guide, Juraj knows the slopes inside out. Cannot recommend him highly enough for his knowledge, his brilliant teaching and for being a great person to ski with all day! Thank you so much, we’ve enjoyed an amazing week with you and improved our skiing technique massively. JulianAHW2023-12-16Verified Thanks for a superb week, we will be back Juraj made our week the most fantastic week in Zermatt. Always fun to be on the slopes with, his incredible technical expertise means he makes small comments and encouragements which greatly improve your skiing without you feeling you are having a lesson rather than having fun. The best way to learn! A nice guy to hang out with, super experienced and a great teacher, knows Zermatt inside out (slopes, restaurants whatever you need) - couldn’t recommend him more.
Umgeben von den Geschichten der Bergsteiger, die seine majestätischen Gipfel erobert haben.